Saturday, September 25, 2010

First meeting

Met with another singer who's interested in forming the group.   I'm hoping that I turn this this into a reality and hopefully an income.  Home life is really sucking some days.  I think you know you're in a bad spot when your main fantasy is to be in a loving relationship.  I bite my tongue and nod my head in agreement with any inane thing she says.  I'm biding my time for now.  Maybe a better life waits for me outside.  We shall see.

Friday, September 3, 2010

It begins.....

My goals for this year are extensive

1.  Lose 40 pounds.

2.  Find a new house.

3.  Start a professional vocal group.

I have been out of work for almost 3 years and I have tried going back to Serving/Bartending, but most of the dives around here would rather hire girls with big tits and tight shirts than a high-end bartender such as myself.  It's a depressing situation when your wife is the one bringing home the money(and never let's you forget it, either) while you are the one running daily errands,taking care of the animals and collecting small unemployment checks.  I feel that my wife does not respect me anymore.  Honestly, lately I don't even respect myself.  I think most of this goes back to leaving singing after I got married.  My wife never understood the time and dedication it takes to become good at something.  Every hour that I would practice was an hour away from her....., and she is very jealous.  Singing was the one thing I was good at and I believe if I turn my focus back to that I can get my life back together.   They say do what you love and the money will come.   Well, we'll see about that.